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What is 'Additional Info' for Tasks and Surveys?
What is 'Additional Info' for Tasks and Surveys?

Location, completion date, briefings. Additional Info is all that extra admin stuff to make your booking smooth and simple.

Updated over a week ago

On all bookings, there is 'Additional Info' that needs to be added. But this varies if you are doing a Task or Survey rather than a Video Call or In Person booking. So what is available for tasks and surveys and what do they mean?

Complete By

This is simply the date by which you need to close out the booking and can no longer except new responses.

This does not mean it will take this long to fill your booking, but simply an end date. We will always try to fill it as quickly as possible regardless of the date in this field.

Participant Locations

This is where you can specify the locations where you will accept responses from. You can add as many options here as you like within a single country at a time.

For example, I want to only get people from the 3 largest cities in Australia - therefore I could add Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. I could do this from different levels such as Suburbs, Cities and States.

NOTE: If you want to do the same task or survey but across multiple countries, please setup a booking per country.

Brief Summary

This is what is shown to participants before they start filling out your screeners. It is important to give some information of what you are looking for as many people will rule themselves out if not a fait based on the info there. Don't worry too much about people lying, if your screeners are done right, then it's not a big deal. Just keep it top level.

Hide Company Name

By default, we hide your information, but if you wish you can change this.

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