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What devices can be used for online bookings?
What devices can be used for online bookings?

Depending on the requirement, you may want only mobile or desktop. Here are some important things to know.

Updated over a week ago

Can I specify what device is used to do the task?

Yes! After adding in your link, you can choose between Any Device, Desktop Only or Mobile Only. This is then enforced on the Askable side to ensure that it is completed on the appropriate device. For example, if Desktop Only is chosen, the task link is emailed to them instead of a text message. We then detect what device they are using.

Can I specify a device for online moderated sessions?

Absolutely! After selecting the tool you want to use (Zoom, Google Meet, Teams etc…) and you reach the ‘Additional Info’ section of your booking, you will be asked to specify what device you would like to run the session on. You can choose from either mobile, desktop, or both. It is important to note that, if you have selected a third party software that is not listed in the third party software section, then we strongly suggest you make sure it can be used with mobile to avoid any issues during sessions. We’ve added a checkbox to remind you too.

Does mobile work with Askable Sessions?

Not yet, but all of the listed third party tools can be used with mobile devices.

Can I specify hardware requirements for Online Tasks?

Yes! You can also then specify if a camera and/or microphone will be required. This is displayed to participants and they must agree to this as part of their application process.

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