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How to message participants

The ins and outs of how you can contact participants via the Askable app and some important tips to make the most of it.

Updated over a week ago

One of the most loved features of Askable is the Messages Function.

  • No more middle man or agency to communicate between you & the participant

  • No more digging through email threads

  • No more excel sheets & managing contact details

  • Live & interactive chat experience for you and participants

Ways to Message Participants

From Participant List

To message a particular participant, you can use the Drop Down button next to their names and select "Message"

From Messages Tab

First head into the Messages Tab near the top right of your screen, and search for the participant you'd like to speak to. From there, just click on their chat! Easy as

Can I send messages in bulk?

Hell yeah! You can do this via the checkboxes either on the Participant List OR in the Messages Tab.
Bulk away πŸ’ͺ

Can I contact Participants via Phone or Email?

You can! Their contact details can be found here

We recommend all messaging to happen within the Askable platform for your own convenience and safety.
It allows us to monitor any false behaviour and take action if necessary. It also means that the Support Team will have full context if support is required to reschedule a participants or troubleshoot.
It also means keeping all your messaging in one cohesive spot 🧹

How do Participants receive my messages on their end?

When you send a message via the Askable platform, a short text is sent to them with the beginning of the message. Then followed by a link that open up into the full Participants app, where they can read the entire message & view your Study.

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