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How to add your link to an Online Task or Survey
How to add your link to an Online Task or Survey

Online Tasks and Surveys are great unmoderated forms of research, but you need a link to send people to. So how does this work?

Updated over a week ago

When creating a new Online Task or Survey, you will get to a dedicated section asking for the link. Here is where you want to put in the URL for your task or survey. Simple enough, but here are some useful things to know when doing this with Askable.

Always ask for their Full Name at the start of your Task or Survey

This is so you can match up the response in your survey tool with people in Askable. This essentially means you can use any tool you like with Askable!

We used to do this with fancy URL variables and hidden links, but ain't nobody got time for that and there was just too much room for error. At the end of the day, names are universal. This is a requirement with any task or survey you use with Askable.

Unless you don't care about checking responses πŸ˜›

What are "Variations"?

If you choose Hand Picking for your task or survey, this allows you to then decide which URL you send to people.

The use case here is let's say from the same audience, you have a small split of demographics and depending on where people sit, you want to give them a slightly different version of that task or survey. It's then as simple as A, B, C. 😊

NOTE: This is for Hand Picking only and cannot be used for Automated bookings.

Can I update my link later?

If your booking is Active, then you can update your link by adding it as a variation. Your original link will stay there as the Original Variation. To avoid confusion, it's always best practice to submit your booking with your actual, most up to date link, rather than changing it later on. This ensures that all participants do get the correct link.

This is usually when there is something not compatible with the URL, so please check carefully if you are using URL variables as this can cause issues at times.

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