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Participant Screen Overview

Get to know our participant selection screen and the key workflows

Updated over 7 months ago

The participant screen is where you'll most likely spend a lot of your time in Askable! It's where you'll find all of the participants who have applied for your opportunity, it's also where you'll manage the whole Study through the different stages.

From this screen you'll be able to:

  • See all the important details for each participant like their eligibility score, preferred times for sessions, status, voice sample and tech check.

  • Create segments to organise participants into (based on filters).

  • Message participants about their up and coming sessions, completed sessions and anything that you might need to.

  • Managing the slots for your Study.

  • View key stats for the Study including key recruitment stats and project progress.

  • Plenty more, so let's take a deeper look!

All Participants view

Let's start with the main view that you'll land on when you visit this page in any project. This is where you’ll see all the Participants who have applied to your Study. Each applicant has their own row, containing all Study related information, including demographic information and screener responses. Below is a table with all the details in each row and an explanation.

Column Type


Shortlist heart icon

Clicking the shortlist heart will add the participant to a shortlist.

Participant name

The Participant's full name.


The Participant's LinkedIn if they have added it to their profile.


The Participant's status in relation to the project, i.e. if you have invited a participant to a session but they haven't accepted the invite, it will show as invited.

Session actions

Actions you can take depending on the session status i.e. if the session is due to start soon we will highlight that session in the list and allow you to join in one click.

Allocated session

The session time (based on the calendar slot) that the Participant is scheduled in for.


The eligibility score represented as a percentage. Read more on how this is calculated here.

Tech check

Tech check completion indicator.


The time that has passed since the Participant applied for the opportunity.


The gender that is listed on the Participant's demographic information.


The age that is listed on the Participant's demographic information.


The location that is listed on the Participant's demographic information.

Voice sample

Participant's are encouraged to record a voice sample to help increase the quality of their profile.

Screening questions

After the voice sample column, all screening questions are displayed. You'll notice each Participant's response is marked with a tick or a cross depending on how the answer impacts eligibility.

☝️Quick Tip

From time to time you might notice in the bottom left hand corner a new data available prompt. This is to make sure we don't interrupt you, but you know something may have changed in your view. Jump down further to understand which updates will trigger the notification.

Applying filters and saving segments

Adding filters to the Participant list is a great way to narrow down your Participant list, but things can get a little tricky when you want to jump between a range of filters or when you want to start to combine filters together, so you guessed it, segments helps with that!

You can save a combination of filters as a segment and you can make a segment as simple or as complex as you need. Although this seems like quite a simple feature, it's a huge time saver and this version of segments is only the start of this feature. To learn more about Segments and filters click here

Calendar view

To access your calendar, head to the top right of the overview screen and click 'calendar'. This will open a full view of the calendar and slots that have been set. To exit click the x in the top right corner. This will take you back to to the main overview screen.


If you're looking for your messages that relate to this Study, you'll find the messages menu item next to calendar at the top right of the screen. All messages that have been sent to any Participant in this Study will be shown here.

Study overview

The Study overview panel can be opened by clicking the ( i ) icon next to messages. There are a few handy stats in here like number of applications, your quote, how many applicants fit your eligibility criteria and a reminder of when recruitment will stop based on total eligible applicants.

Project progress shows a summary of Participants who have been booked in and whether they are completed, confirmed invited and how many sessions need to be completed to fill your quota. We've also given you a little reminder of how many more days the Study will be active for.

Study settings

The settings cog can be found in the top left, click the icon next to the Study name. Here you'll find key project details like the Study name, numbers of Participants, device requirements, length of session and more. Some of these settings can be edited after the Study has gone live, some cannot.

You'll also be able to review audience settings, demographic filters as well as all screener questions. Other additional information like location and timezone can also be found on the settings screen.

Study updates notification

To make sure you know you’re viewing the most up to date data on the Participant screen, if there’s new or updated data, a prompt to refresh will pop up in the bottom left of your screen. Rather than forcing a reload you can update when you're ready.

What updates will initiate the popup?

  • New Participants who have applied for your opportunity

  • Status updates initiated by Participants i.e. Participant confirms, declines, cancels or marks a session as complete

  • Status updates initiated by another team member i.e. Participant invited, session cancelled, Participant reported, session manually marked as complete

Still got questions?

Don't worry, it's the sign of a good researcher, reach out to the team via chat and they will be ready to help.

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